Age restriction guidelines

GED® Guidelines for Underage Youth (16 and 17 year old)

Pursuant to section 1003.435, Florida Statutes, the minimum age to take GED tests to meet the requirements for a high school equivalency diploma is 18 years. A candidate may take the examination after reaching the age 16 if the requirements set by the School District of Lee County are met.

Students, ages 16 to 17, who want to take the GED test must meet the following criteria:
1. Do not have a high school diploma
2. Have legally withdrawn from a traditional K-12 school
3. Complete an Underage Waiver Form by the parent/guardian and site coordinator
4. Take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE); see placement criteria below.
5. Register and participate in GED® preparation program
6. Attend 75% or more of GED® preparation classes per session 
7. Receive verification of completion skill levels from the classroom instructor (GED Permission Form) 
8. Receive written permission from district personnel. 

ABE Students - If a student scores below a 9.0 on a D or A level TABE test:
1. The student needs to be present in class a minimum of 60 hours
2. Take the post TABE test
3. Pass all 4 GED Ready tests with a “LIKELY TO PASS” score of 145 or higher and provide copies of all 4 score reports displaying student’s name, test subject, and test score
4. Completion of Underage Waiver Form by the parent/guardian and site coordinator (form can be obtained from student’s site coordinator)

ASE Students - If a student scores a 9.0 on a D or A level test in all three areas of TABE:
1. Student attendance must be in good standing
2. Pass all 4 GED Ready tests with a “LIKELY TO PASS” score of 145 or higher and provide copies of all 4 score reports displaying student’s name, test subject, and test score
3. Completion of Underage Waiver Form by the parent/guardian and site coordinator (form can be obtained from student’s site coordinator)

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